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    The EcoVivienda Plan is a grant program promoted by the Regional Government of Andalusia, endowed with 614 million euros, aimed at the rehabilitation of primarily residential buildings to improve the energy efficiency of homes. It covers up to 40% of the installation cost, up to 3,000 euros.

    Photovoltaic installations are also eligible for subsidies under the EcoVivienda Plan, provided that the entire intervention in the building/house meets established percentages of non-renewable traditional energy consumption and/or the annual energy use for heating and cooling the home.

    These grants can be requested by individual owners of residential buildings or by homeowners‘ associations located within the Autonomous Community of Andalusia.

    Homeowners’ association groups and cooperative societies can also apply.

    Within the EcoVivienda Plan, there are different programs:

    Line 3: A program aimed at the rehabilitation of residential buildings and the development or redevelopment of public spaces within areas designated as Programmed Rehabilitation Residential Environments (ERRP). This program can subsidize 40%, 65%, or 80% of the work, depending on the reduction of non-renewable energy use achieved. The maximum amount to be received is 18,500 euros per dwelling, with half of the payment made in advance.

    Line 4: A program aimed at improving energy efficiency in homes. The maximum amount to be received is 3,000 euros, and it is necessary to justify a 30% reduction in traditional energy consumption.

    The application and processing of the EcoVivienda Plan grants can be done through the Regional Government of Andalusia’s website. Three forms need to be filled out, which can also be found on the website, along with the following documentation:

    • DNI, NIE, or NIF.
    • Proof that the legal entity applying is duly constituted.
    • Documentation proving ownership of the building or home.
    • Project or justification report of the works to be carried out.
    • Responsible declaration or favorable evaluation of compliance, ensuring that no environmental damage will occur during the execution of the works.
    • Energy Efficiency Certificate of the building.
    • Copy of the minutes with the homeowners’ association’s agreement if they are the beneficiary.
    • Signed work contract and budget.
    • Proof of eligible costs.
    • Photographic report of the areas to be affected.
    • Certificate of registration at the home for which this aid is requested.

    Regarding the requirements, to access the EcoVivienda Plan grants in Andalusia, it will be necessary to meet certain requirements, both on the part of the applicants and the subsidized actions.

    Applicant requirements:

    • The legal entity must be duly constituted if it is the applicant.
    • If the applicant is the tenant of the dwelling, they must have authorization from the property owner to carry out the works.
    • The homes where the works will be carried out must be the habitual and permanent residence of the owners, usufructuaries, or tenants at the time the grant is requested.

    Subsidized action requirements:

    • The demand for traditional energy must be reduced by at least 30%, or the annual energy demand for heating and cooling must be reduced by at least 7%.
    • The deadline has been extended and ends on December 26, 2024.

    If you want more information, contact us!

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